Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Post: Our Life...Our Story!

Our life is our story. This is the caption I saw on a friend's fb page last night and I reflected on it and then decided to write something on it. Looking at the life of Mandela, indeed is a man whose life has left an inspiring story. What kind of story is yours? 

As we leave to go to our various places of worship...  I do hope we take a moment to dwell on ourselves and the legacy we want to be remembered for. And may I ask to what impact has been your existence. YES::: Christmas is coming and its a period of thanksgiving, giving and giving... And lots of giving.

The significance of Christmas is sacrifice, the most wonderful time of the year, to think, reflect and make resolutions.  As we felicitate and plan for the season, even in between out busy schedule, while not you take time to reflect on the year so far? 

...our Life.....Our story.....

What is your story.

Happy Sunday my peeps!

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