A special welcome to each and every one of us. . .
Seeing a new year is not beans.
While we are celebrating, we also want to make this year a more worthwhile one. . . Now let's put aside the embedded hypocrisy in us, and go for what we want this year. That you visit this section means that you love to love, you love romance, and that you seek better ways in improving your loving ability and capability. . . You want a better love life. I know I'm right so don't even try to deny that fact. In fact, we all do. At this stage of our lives, majority of the regular visitors to this section are on the threshold of settling down as evidenced by the serious relationships they are in.

Now, by Iron, Iron itself is sharpened. This means that it is up to each and everyone of us to help each other out. Sharing your experiences and giving advice when due. Maintaining positivitism should be our main objective. . . I see that some self acclaimed warriors just type out advice for the sake of registering their presence on a thread. Advising people with what they have not seen, what they cannot do, and what they cannot wish themselves.
Correct these dumb ones when you see them, please.
Give others practical advice that they can use. Advising others in the right way actually strengthens your own relationship, cos if you are in a relationship, or have been in a sweet one, you know what you are talking about, and you know the feeling of being in one, so your advice would be more beneficial than the advice given out of impulse, by our keyboard warriors.
Some have had a distasteful 2012 in terms of relationships, no doubt. This is a new year and an opportunity for you to forget the past and move on. Be a fresh and positive person. Wallowing in pain and regret of what could have been is detrimental to your future ambitions. There is a reason why things turn out the way they do sometimes. A positive and optimistic person would always want to see a disappointment as a blessing, and would look for avenues to actualizing those blessings. But how would you find them if you are so engrossed and entrenched with your ex, that you keep thinking of her and what she did to you, creating threads about her all the time, talking about her all time? How on God's green earth will your ministry move on to the permanent site?? If it breaks up, it wasn't meant to be. Move tha hell on!
Seek for ways to make him/her happy. There are over 7,000,000,000 people in the world, but you chose him/her as number one. You had numerous choices, but you chose to ask her out. You had numerous other choices, but you said "yes" to him. . . Make them happy. There are fools here on Nairaland that will seek to pass their frustration on life to you. Will you allow them? Will you allow them decide for you how best to love your special one? You alone know him/her better, more than anyone else. You know what makes them happy. Do it!!! A smile on their face will bring a smile on your face too.
Nothing is too much to do for the one you really love. In an attempt not to be a mugu, many people have lost out on love, forgetting the real essence of Giving. . . Do not let that be your portion this year. Do what you know is right, and stick to it!
Do not forget that you can find love anywhere. . ! I can categorically tell you that i have seen and heard people, married who find love in strange places, and are enjoying the union till date. However finding love depends on your ability to recognize love when you see it. Some individuals are so dense that even when love is staring them in the face, they'll ignore it and keep complaining. . . Smh.
There are subconscious signs that are visible or rather, discernible, when an individual is in love with you. Try not to ignore those seeming infinitesimal signs, and also avoid the he/she-must-be-the-first-to-ask-me-out mentality. That is so "tataish"! This is 2013 for chrissakes. . . Forward is the way. Don't take us back to 1993!
To those of us searching for love, may we find it and be happy in it.
To those of us in love, may we continue to strengthen those bonds of love, seeking to take that sweet ministry to the permanent site.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. . .
It starts with you. Positivism is infectious. I want to see positive testimonies 365 days from now. . .
Happy 2013 once again.
It is well. . .