Friday, November 8, 2013

7 Worst Kind of Relationship To Avoid

A world where the average population ratio of a guy to a lady is about 4 ladies to one guy, there tend to be a situation where even when these guys treats the ladies badly, the fear of rejection still keep them in the relationship.

Love they say is the most profound emotion known to mankind. For most people, romantic relationships are the most meaning element in their lives. In experiencing such, we will be sharing with the ladies, the worst kind of relationship to avoid and simply take a walk out of such relationship that might endanger their emotion and leads to frustration.

The very first relationships that are best avoided is the take, take, take relationship. This relationship is full of nothing but taking! Either your partner is constantly taking from you or you are constantly taking from your partner. It’s a relationship that is not about giving at all, which is not good for anyone. This is a relationship that you need to get out of as soon as you can, otherwise you could lose yourself completely! I am an advocate of a give and take relationship. It shouldn't be one side at all.

The on again and off again relationship is one of those that is really hard to be in, because you never, ever know where you stand in this type of relationship. If you are in an on again, off again relationship, get off the carousal and really see if you can figure out if your boyfriend or girlfriend can commit to you completely.

Ah, this has to be one of the worst types of relationships out there, as it is full of cheating. Believe it or not, there are a lot of couples out there that cheat on each other – but are still in a relationship with one another. Why? Well, it’s unclear, but they have gotten really sneaky at hiding the fact that they are cheating on each other really well.

These are the couples that can’t get enough of each other, that have to do everything together and they almost come as a pair, instead of individual people. They hardly ever use the term ‘I’ and instead, it’s all about the ‘we’. This is the type of relationship that could be happy, but there really is no independence in their relationship at all, which can be damaging if they do happen to break up.

Oh, the drama in this type of relationship. This is a relationship that you just wish that they would break up, because they fight about every single thing, no matter what it is. They also don’t care who is there, because why would they? It’s their relationship and you are just living near it.

This relationship is all about who is the most dominating and who is the most controlling. It’s a power-struggle relationship, where both of the people are really trying to figure out who has the most power and who is going to tell the other person what to do. It’s a tough relationship to be in – all of the time.

Finally, this is a relationship that a ton of people fall right into. It’s a relationship that is built around comfort, not necessarily love or need. It’s a relationship that isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s just contentment and settling and who wants that?  My question to you is, wouldn’t you want a relationship that is packed full of love and want?

Whatever your answer is, i beg shine and open ya eyes...

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