Wednesday, January 1, 2014

10 Food Resolutions For THe Start of The Year

Food, like love, is best enjoyed when shared and that explains the concept of potluck. If you have never arranged a food party, 2014 is your year to bring on the yummy-ness.  
Here are a few tips to take note;
1. Thou shall go on a Kitchen Detox
Take a good look at your kitchen, wear a pair of cleaning gloves and start the detox. Get help to assist you in the process and clear out the cobwebs. Throw away (things) that have crossed the expiration date, or anything that smells like it has, check if you need more storage (we always do), and it’s best to discard anything with stubborn stains and cracks. Place some potpourri and allow good culinary chi to flow in.
2. Thou shall colour the menu
One of the best ways to eat healthy and nourish your love for food is by adding more colour. Paint your plate with red, yellow and green capsicum, beetroot, carrots, peas, beans, sprouts chillies…got the drift? The menu is your script and you own the vocabulary of the ingredients.
3. Thou shall host food parties
But if you can’t host one, attend one. Food, like love, is best enjoyed when shared and that explains the concept of potluck. If you have never arranged a food party, 2014 is your year to bring on the yummy-ness. You don’t even have to cook; just tell the ladies who lunch to get some food while your arrange your home like a picnic spot and prepare the drinks.
4. Thou shall choose smoothies over coffee
A coffee a day…erm, keeps sleepiness away!  That’s a bad rhyme, and too much coffee isn’t good for you. We won’t wax eloquent about its many demerits, especially when we have to focus on something as healthy and filling as smoothies. Smoothies and shakes make the best use of the season’s freshest fruits. Replace the sugar with honey, or jaggery, and drink away.
5. Thou shall be food social
Parties aside, we have the razzmatazz of Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter. Make sure you know who to follow to add to the repertoire of your menu. Of late, we have been a little more than obsessed with Rachel Khoo, and websites like Cooking Light and Oh My Veggies. Then, there’s iFood too!
6. Thou shall never judge food
Didn’t mamma tell you to not complain at the dining table? It’s impolite to look at the menu in a restaurant or a party and go on a calorie critique. At such a place, be as mindful of your words as you will be of your weight and health. We have vowed to maintain this decorum just to respect all things we eat and the people who put food on our plate.
7. Thou shall be calculative about restaurant numbers
Will you check out the hottest restaurant in town? Yes, ma’am! Will you try most things a la cart? Oh yes, ma’am! Will you pay attention to the bill? We need a triple ‘yes’ for this one. Most times we are unaware of the taxes and all the extras that we have to pay on our bill. It’s good to be aware so that we know whether we are getting our money’s worth.
8. Thou shall be Miss Cook Imperfect
It’s not so much about the recipe or the freshness of the ingredients, or even the correct measurements, per say. Because, cooking is all about you, you and you. Allow your eyes to feast on the colours and textures, take in the aromas and watch how the curry unravels itself. Make a commitment to enjoying cooking and not so much on sweating the small stuff or learning new recipes.
9. Thou shall watch out for the Sugar Patrol
They were right when they said to limit the intake of sugar, refined and processed foods. What you eat should make your skin glow, turn your hair lustrous and take your soul to a happy place. Why don’t you literally harvest your energies and plan a mini kitchen garden? It would be lovely to watch your plants and health grow.
10. Thou shall maintain a food calendar
While cooking is mostly spontaneous, a food calendar should be part of your support system. It just takes the pressure of last-minute distress, not having enough groceries and unannounced guests. A well stocked refrigerator is a good indicator of a happy home.


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