Friday, November 8, 2013

Food To Avoid To Prevent Oily Skin

Am sure we have come across the phrase "You are what You eat"? Whether you like it or not your diet will reflect on your skin. If you eat healthy food, you will look healthy. If you eat junk food, you won't be looking good. There are food you need to avoid to keep your oily skin tamed. Numerous factors contribute to oily skin but people with oily skin are more prone to acne or pimples if proper precautions are not attended to. This article will help you get on the right track of skin care, because it is not all about using creams and products (both organic and non-organic); the most basic skin care begins by eating right. so below are listed the types of food to avoid to prevent oily skin:

Avoid Fatty Meats
Fatty meats, such as beef, lamb, bacon and sausage, contain rich amounts of saturated fat -- a fat-form linked with obesity, heart disease and inflammation. You should avoid too much of on fatty meats and try to increasing the amount of fresh fish which in turn gives you a healthier and normalized skin. If you want to get the best of the cold-water fish benefit, you should prepare the fish using low-fat cooking methods, such as baking, broiling and poaching.

Avoid too much of Enriched Flour
Enriched flour is formed through a process in which a whole grain is stripped of much of its nutrient and fiber content. As a result, enriched breads, cereals, pasta and baked goods digest less efficiently and have a higher glycemic index, or impact on your blood sugar, than whole grains. Although research is ongoing, investigative findings show a positive link between a low glycemic diet and reduced instances of acne, according to a "Skin Therapy Letter" report published in 2010. By lowering your "glycemic load," your hormone levels may improve, leading to reduced oil production. For best results, choose whole grains, such as barley, brown rice and oats, instead of enriched flour products most often.

Added Sugars
Added sugars, such as maltose, dextrose, corn syrup, cane sugar and honey, add sweet flavor and calories but few nutrients to many foods and beverages. Like enriched flour, added sugars have a high glycemic index and may offset your blood sugar and hormone levels, leading to increased oil production and a heightened risk for acne. Limit foods and beverages particularly rich in added sugars, such as regular soft drinks, fruit punch, candy, jam, jelly, pancake syrup, frozen desserts and commercially baked cookies, cakes, pies and pastries. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables more often, which have a more positive impact on your blood sugar, skin and overall health. Citrus fruits, apricots, carrots and spinach, for example, contain vitamin A -- a nutrient with properties similar to certain acne medications.

Avoid Salty Snack Foods
Most people require 1,500 mg of sodium per day -- the amount reaped from less than 1 tsp. of table salt. A high-sodium diet can also damage skin health, by increasing inflammation. Salty snack foods, such as potato chips, crackers and french fries, often contain an inflammatory fat form known as trans-fat. Trans-fat may also worsen the effects of oily skin. Healthier snack options include air-popped popcorn seasoned with natural herbs, fresh cut vegetables and low-sodium, whole-grain crackers.

For more tips on oily skin check: How to care for oily Skin

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