Friday, March 15, 2013

[Fashion] 9 Must Have Items in a Woman's Closet

We are all guilty of falling into a clothing rut from time to time. Even those of us with the best of intentions get stuck wearing our “uniform” day in and day out. But while you may look great in said uniform, there’s no reason to keep buying the pieces that are already hanging in your closet.

Whether the items that you continue to purchase are already stallions in your wardrobe stable, or magazines are declaring that these are must-have items, we are telling you to step away from the stores. We took a quick poll and it turns out that most women suffer from an addiction to one kind of piece, whether it’s black blazers,statement necklaces or leather jackets. A colleague at the Uni described her addiction to designer handbags: “I have three and am currently debating if I need a fourth. I don’t, but you know…”

Resist the urge, ladies! You only need one of each of these items. Really.

1. Leather jackets. One black leather jacket will suffice. If you’re brave, try one in a bold color. But other than that, it’s unnecessary, unless you’re a pilot.

2. Handbags. They are hard to resist, especially when you consider the cost-per-wear. However, the truth is that you can only carry one at a time, so most of your collection gathers dust. Back away.

3. High heels. See number two. The same goes for footwear, whether it’s sneakers, platforms, heels or boots. Remember, you only have two feet and can only wear one pair of shoes at a time.

4. Black dresses. Yes, they are versatile. One staffer said, “I must own 15 of them. I can easily talk myself into buying them by thinking, ‘This is so practical, and it’s SO different from all my others.’ But let’s face it, no one else on the planet notices the difference. They’re all just black dresses.”

5. Skinny jeans. We all have that one pair of jeans that fits perfectly, even after a few cheeseburgers. The rest just take up valuable closet space.

6. Jackets. Yes, they can make any outfit look polished. But there’s a limit to how many one needs. As one colleague said, “Some day I’m going to wake up and find I have a closet full of jackets and nothing to wear underneath them.”

7. Tights. They are a staple in the winter. But like underwear, we probably wash them at least once a week, and therefore don’t need more than five pairs of hosiery. One colleague admitted to an overgrown stash: “I think I have 23 pairs of tights. I’m not sure how necessary that is.”

8. Coats. Linda Fargo, senior vice president at Bergdorf Goodman, was quoted recently as saying that one must have a “wardrobe of coats.” We are guessing that she has a lot of storage to go along with her collection of outerwear. We, on the other hand, need to refrain. As one colleague said, “I have WAY too many. I just can’t help myself, they make any outfit look a million times better.”

9. Bright pants. Solange Knowles has inspired us all. But we are wondering if at some point we are going to look at our bold patterns and prints the same way we looked Hypercolor shirts — as outdated. One staffer described her addiction: “It’s a problem. I have at least 10 different pairs and show no signs of stopping.”

With all afore listed, ladies you don't have to worry a out what to wear from all those junks we sometimes keep in our closet.

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